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Tree Removal Mornington Peninsula

Tree Removal Cost Mornington Peninsula

If you want to remove a tree on a private property in the Mornington Peninsula Melbourne you may need a planning permit from council. There are certain trees that can be removed without permits, like pest species, some palm trees, dead trees, and if you are clearing trees away from your home in bush fire […]

Who’s Responsible When A Neighbour’s Tree Falls on My Property?

Who’s Responsible When a Neighbour’s Tree Falls on My Property

Picture this: A powerful storm sweeps through your neighbourhood, and the next morning, you find your neighbour’s tree has fallen onto your property, causing significant damage. Determining responsibility for fallen trees requires consideration of factors such as ownership, health and maintenance, and the cause of damage. Homeowners insurance may cover tree damage if it causes […]

Who is Responsible for Tree Root Damage?

Who is Responsible for Tree Root Damage

Tree root damage is a common problem for property owners in Australia as we have a lot of native species with invasive roots. When trees grow, their roots can extend far beyond the tree’s canopy, potentially causing damage to surrounding structures such as sidewalks, driveways, and even the foundation of nearby buildings. The million-dollar question […]

Fines for Cutting Down Trees in Victoria

Fines for cutting down trees in victoria

In Victoria, trees play a vital role in maintaining the health and balance of the ecosystem. Unfortunately, illegal tree removal has become a growing concern in recent years, and people who remove trees without permission from the relevant authorities can face fines or penalties. The Victorian government has implemented fines for those who engage in […]

Tree Removal SA

Tree removal SA Cost Permits 2023 Guide

There are various reasons why tree removal might be necessary, including disease, storm damage, age, or structural issues. However, removing a tree in SA, and generally, all of Australia, needs careful planning, assessment, and execution by qualified and experienced professionals. The cost of tree removal in SA can range from $500 to $5,000, with an […]

What is the fine for removing a tree in NSW?

What is the fine for removing a tree in NSW

In New South Wales, removing a tree without permission from authority can result in fines and penalties. Trees play an essential role in maintaining the environment and ecosystem, and as such are protected by the NSW government. In NSW, under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the maximum fine for illegal tree removal in […]

Tree Removal New South Wales

Removing dead, diseased, or hazardous trees on your property in NSW might seem like a normal backyard task for many householders. However, there are certain things to know before removing a tree in New South Wales. The cost of removing a tree in New South Wales ranges between $750 – $3,490 for a medium-sized tree. […]

Fines for Cutting Down Trees in Western Australia

Fines for Cutting Down Trees in Western Australia

All councils in Western Australia have their own set of rules when it comes to tree removal. Remove the wrong tree without a permit and you can be hit with some pretty hefty fines. The local councils in WA usually enforce tree protection laws and fines of $25,000 to $200,000 per offense. There are lots […]

Mango Tree Pruning Cost

Mango tree pruning cost

Mango trees can be a great addition to a home garden but taking good care of them is very important. Pruning a mango tree is one of the top steps to ensuring it’s healthy and growing properly. The cost of pruning an average mango tree is about $650. The cost of pruning a mango tree […]


Grow Your Tree Business This is the GoTreeQuotes blog for arborist and tree service business owners looking to take their business to the next level. Here, you will find ways to interview industry experts and tender experts, as well as some of my own analyses on how to win in the world of tree services.

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