Yes, but under certain conditions

Under what conditions?

You can remove a tree if it is:

  • Dead
  • Dying
  • Structurally unsound
  • Has a single or combined trunk circumference greater than 155cm measured at 1m above ground level. If the tree has several trunks, the 4 largest trunks circumferences should be added together.

Is not listed on our significant tree register

Note: “significant tree register” means a register of trees of cultural significance to the Council, which is kept and maintained by the council.

tree trim house bayside vic

Under what conditions do you need a tree removal permit?

If the tree;

  • Is within Bayside Vegetation Protection Overlay zone
  • Is registered as a significant tree by the council
  • When measured 1 metre from the ground has a trunk circumference of more than 155cm.
  • If the tree was planted as per conditions set by Local Law Permit for replacement.

Can you appeal a decision made by the council?

Yes. It is not a must that your tree removal permit application will be accepted and granted.

In cases where you are not satisfied with the council’s decision, there is room for appeal.

You are also required to get a specialist or consulting arborist to provide more details in the form of an arborist report.

The council’s decision will be reviewed if there is evidence sheds new light on the condition of the trees.

Significant tree register

There are no tree restrictions for properties in Industrial 1 Zone unless a Heritage Overlay applies.

Exempt trees

These are trees that can be removed no matter what their size or condition as they are considered a pest by your local council. The above-listed conditions do not apply.

If you are not sure about your tree species, please consult a local tree lopper in Melbourne to identify your tree for you.

Common Name

All cherries & plums
All willows
Manna ash

How to apply for a tree removal permit

Go to the above online form and fill it out to make a formal request for tree removal approval.

Bayside City Council Tree Preservation order - TPO

The above is a summary of your local Councils tree preservation order. Please follow the link for the full document.

Bayside City Council contact details

Phone: 03 9599 4444

Mailing Address: Royal Avenue, Sandringham VIC 3191


Blacktown City Tree Preservation order - TPO

The above is a summary of your local Councils tree preservation order. Please follow the link for the full document.