Trees harness the suns natural energy make food through a process of photosynthesis. They do this by using carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil to produce sugar and oxygen.

Trees and plants release oxygen during the day through the process of photosynthesis. When this process stops as night, the tree stops releasing oxygen.

Although it is more common for plants to release oxygen during the day, there are also plenty of plants that do this at another time of the day due to their different mechanisms and anatomy.

In order for plants to make their “food”, they require three things: water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight.

Plants provide water from the soil, which is absorbed through their roots. As a gas that is found in the air, plants consume carbon dioxide through the tiny holes that can be found in their leave.

Through a process called “photosynthesis”, leaves draw carbon dioxide, the roots gather water, and the tree uses energy from the sun to convert chemical compounds that help feed the tree. One of the by-products after this is oxygen.

Where does oxygen come out from trees?

During photosynthesis, tree take in carbon dioxide through small pores on their leaves called Stoma. The oxygen is also released from the same pores.

Where does oxygen come out from trees

Do trees produce oxygen at night?

Since plants and trees need the help of the sun to perform photosynthesis, trees are not able to produce oxygen at night when the sun is not present.

At night, the process of photosynthesis is reversed, where trees give off carbon dioxide and rather absorb oxygen in a process called “respiration”.

However, there are a few plants and trees that are able to produce oxygen at night, and release oxygen at night.

Which plants release oxygen at night?

Plants normally release oxygen during the day with the help of the presence of the sun to perform photosynthesis. However, at night, they take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide to perform respiration.

While this is normal for most plants, some plants do the opposite where they uptake carbon dioxide during the night and perform a type of photosynthesis that enables them to give off oxygen at night.

CAM, also called crassulacean acid metabolism, enables these plants to still give off oxygen at night. Having these at home can help improve air quality and provide better sleep. Here are some of the plants that perform this process:

Areca Palm Plant

Also goes by the name golden palm, yellow palm, or butterfly palm, this plant is native to dense tropical forests. It is one of the most popular plants that require special attention.

As a plant that can thrive in areas with less sunlight, this plant can be placed indoors as it can absorb all kinds of harmful gases such as benzene and formaldehyde and help keep the air humid.

This plant is ideal for those who have sinus problems and those who prefer to have a plant that helps keep the air health in their home healthy. The ability of this plant to release oxygen at night helps people breathe better air and sleep better at night.

Spider Plant

The spider plant is named as such since the shape of its leaves resembles a spider’s leg. This plant helps add more oxygen to space out harmful volatile compounds like carbon monoxide, benzene, and formaldehyde.

This plant can thrive and survive well in well-drain soil, with the help of bright indirect light. Though it would be smart not to over-water the plant.

As a plant that can produce high levels of oxygen at night, having a snake plant in your home can make a huge difference in air quality to an excellent extent.

Peace Lily

As one of the excellent air cleaners as observed by NASA, the peace lily releases oxygen at night and is one of the top plants that can purify volatile organic compounds in the air.

This plant is to increase room humidity by up to 5%, which can be greatly beneficial when it comes to air quality during sleeping. It can also purify the air from benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, carbon monoxide, and toluene.

Growing a peace lily would require placing it in a medium, indirect light to allow it to grow well, and it should also be watered when the soil gets dry.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that grows patiently and has spear-like leaves. While it can be the perfect cure for almost every skin problem, aloe vera also releases a huge amount of oxygen at night.

Helping purify the air in its surroundings, further improving the air that helps people sleep better at night, this plant also removes two harmful chemicals from the air such as benzene and formaldehyde.

This plant does not need to be watered all the time, and placing it in dry conditions is best for its growth. If you decide to grow an aloe vera, you should let the soil dry out completely before watering it.


One of the famous plants that give out oxygen at night, the Tulsi plant emits a particular scent that can help soothe nerves and aid in reducing anxiety.

Growing a tulsi plant in your home, or placing one near your balcony or window can help in getting better sleep at night. Aside from that, the tulsi plant also has several benefits.

Consuming the leaves of this plant can also help in curing fever, and some common colds, and can also help in improving your memory.

How much oxygen does one tree produce?

While the process that trees do in order to release oxygen is considerably consistent among all trees, the amount of oxygen that they produce may vary from one tree to another tree.

One study in Australia shows that on average, a 100-year-old tree will have produced around 14,550 pounds of oxygen over the course of its lifetime.

According to The Independent, one mature beech tree can give off oxygen in one year that can support up to 10 people.

While a study from the Department of Agriculture says that a “large” tree is able to produce enough oxygen that can sustain a day for up to four people, however, the study did not specify the duration it takes for the tree to produce that amount.

Regardless of the amount of oxygen that a tree is able to produce, it can be safe to infer that trees are, indeed, necessary for the consumption and production of oxygen in order to sustain life.

Do some trees produce more oxygen than others?

There are multiple ways that can help determine how much oxygen a tree produces, and one of them is called the “Leaf Area Index”.

This index refers to the total one-sided green leaf area per unit of the ground surface. With that, it goes knowing that the larger the leaf area index, the more oxygen a tree is known to produce.

Since there are trees that grow more and bigger leaves than others, their leaf area index can be significantly higher, and thus, they tend to produce more oxygen compared to others. Bigger trees, then, have an upper hand in oxygen production.

This can be seen in trees such as maple, beech, spruce, true fir, and the Douglas-fir tree.

Which plant and tree produce the most oxygen?

To know which tree produces the most oxygen, there are a number of approaches to determine it. One of which is knowing the tree’s leaf mass. This is also known as the Leaf Area Index.

This index refers to the total leafage of a tree’s canopy, which includes the tree’s leaves, needles, and branches. Based on a tree’s LAI, a tree’s output of oxygen can be known.

Based on research and their average growth, these are some of the trees that produce the most amount of oxygen: true firs, Douglas-firs, beeches, and maple trees.

Why are trees important?

Trees are vital to sustaining life on this planet. Trees provide us oxygen, help store carbon, stabilize the soil, and provide life and shelter to most of the world’s wildlife. Aside from that, they also provide us with important materials.

Apart from being essential for life, it also enables us to connect with the past, present, and future as one of the longest species on earth.

Their existence is critical to rainforests, woodlands, and even urban areas. They give us better health, help preserve and sustain the environment, boost wildlife, strengthen communities, and help the economy.

Author: Ben McInerney is a qualified arborist with over 15 years of industry experience. He uses his in-depth knowledge of the tree service industry to give readers to most accurate information on tree service costs and helps to educate them about the benefits of using a certified arborist for tree trimming and removal work.